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together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
changed category from "Major Feature" to "Feature"
changed category from "Feature" to "Major Feature"
changed title "3D Grass System / New Water"
changed title "
3DGrassSystem/NewWater"description " 3D Grass System New Water System Texture Importing and Adjustments "changed description " 3D Grass System New Water System Texture Importing and Adjustments ~~~~ "
changed description " 3D Grass System New Water System Texture Importing and Adjustments Copy & Paste Placed Assets and Custom
Labels:WouldLabels:(Would work best with Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V keyboard shortcuts. Example: Select an asset or custom label, press Ctrl+C to copy to clipboard. Pressing Ctrl+V begins placement of that asset or label (with all scales/rotations/fonts/text inputs/transparency/misc settings except location), then user would left-click to place that copied asset or label somewhere else in themodel.~~~~ "changed description " 3D Grass System New Water System Texture Importing and Adjustments Copy & Paste Placed Assets and Custom Labels:(Would work best with Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V keyboard shortcuts. Example: Select an asset or custom label, press Ctrl+C to copy to clipboard. Pressing Ctrl+V begins placement of that asset or label (with all scales/rotations/fonts/text inputs/transparency/misc settings except location), then user would left-click to place that copied asset or label somewhere else in the model.) Labeling Improvements Add Font
ImprovementsAddFontSize input for Auto Section Labels Add ALL CAPS shortcut/font for auto labels Add Option to turn off Left & Right section label leaders instead of both Automatically shorten the auto-section label box to remove the bottom line (dimension text line) if the following 3 criteria are met: Hide Units is toggled on Override Dimension is toggled on Override Dimension Text is blank "changed description "**** Duplicate Placed Assets in Place* ***** Duplicate Placed Assets on Cursor **** Duplicate Custom Labels in Place Duplicate Custom Labels on Cursor* ***** Copy and Paste Sections into other phases/projects Labeling Improvements Add Font Size input for Auto Section Labels Add ALL CAPS shortcut/font for auto labels Add Option to turn off Left & Right section label leaders instead of both Automatically shorten the auto-section label box to remove the bottom line (dimension text line) if the following 3 criteria are met: Hide Units is toggled on Override Dimension is toggled on Override Dimension Text is blank
3DGrassSystemNewWaterSystemTextureImportingandAdjustmentsCopy&PastePlacedAssetsandCustomLabels:(WouldworkbestwithCtrl+C/Ctrl+Vkeyboardshortcuts.Example:Selectanassetorcustomlabel,pressCtrl+Ctocopytoclipboard.PressingCtrl+Vbeginsplacementofthatassetorlabel(withallscales/rotations/fonts/textinputs/transparency/miscsettingsexceptlocation),thenuserwouldleft-clicktoplacethatcopiedassetorlabelsomewhereelseinthemodel.)LabelingImprovementsAddFontSizeinputforAutoSectionLabelsAddALLCAPSshortcut/fontforautolabelsAddOptiontoturnoffLeft&RightsectionlabelleadersinsteadofbothAutomaticallyshortentheauto-sectionlabelboxtoremovethebottomline(dimensiontextline)ifthefollowing3criteriaaremet:HideUnitsistoggledonOverrideDimensionistoggledonOverrideDimensionTextisblank~~~~ "changed description "* Copy and Paste Sections into other phases/projects *** Duplicate Placed Assets in Place Duplicate Placed Assets on Cursor Duplicate Custom Labels in Place Duplicate Custom Labels on Cursor
*CopyandPasteSectionsintootherphases/projectsLabeling Improvements Add Font Size input for Auto Section Labels Add ALL CAPS shortcut/font for auto labels Add Option to turn off Left & Right section label leaders instead of both Automatically shorten the auto-section label box to remove the bottom line (dimension text line) if the following 3 criteria are met: Hide Units is toggled on Override Dimension is toggled on Override Dimension Text is blank "changed description "
*** Copy and Paste Sections into other phases/projects*Duplicate Placed Assets in Place*Duplicate Placed Assets on Cursor*Duplicate Custom Labels in Place Duplicate Custom Labels on Cursor Labeling Improvements Add Font Size input for Auto Section Labels Add ALL CAPS shortcut/font for auto labels Add Option to turn off Left & Right section label leaders instead of both Automatically shorten the auto-section label box to remove the bottom line (dimension text line) if the following 3 criteria are met: Hide Units is toggled on Override Dimension is toggled on Override Dimension Text is blank "changed description " Copy and Paste Sections into other phases/projects Duplicate Placed Assets in Place Duplicate Placed Assets on Cursor Duplicate Custom Labels in Place Duplicate Custom Labels on Cursor New Glass Textures Merge Textures of Imported Assets by Default Import plain color surfaces from SketchUp asset exports Asset/Section/Example Project Reorganization Toggles for "Hide Model" and "Hide Shadow" for placed assets. Labeling Improvements Add Font Size input for Auto Section Labels Add ALL CAPS shortcut/font for auto labels Add Option to turn off Left & Right section label leaders instead of both Automatically shorten the auto-section label box to remove the bottom line (dimension text line) if the following 3 criteria are met: Hide Units is toggled on Override Dimension is toggled on Override Dimension Text is blank "
changed description " Copy and Paste Sections into other phases/projects Duplicate Placed Assets in Place Duplicate Placed Assets on Cursor Duplicate Custom Labels in Place Duplicate Custom Labels on Cursor New Glass Textures Merge Textures of Imported Assets by Default Import plain color surfaces from SketchUp asset exports Asset/Section/Example Project Reorganization Toggles for "Hide Model" and "Hide Shadow" for placed assets. Labeling Improvements Add Font Size input for Auto Section Labels Add ALL CAPS shortcut/font for auto labels Add Option to turn off Left & Right section label leaders instead of both
AutomaticallyshortenVertically center the auto-section label box to remove the bottom line (dimension text line) if the following 3 criteria are met: Hide Units is toggled on Override Dimension is toggled on Override Dimension Text is blank "changed description " Copy and Paste Sections into other phases/projects Duplicate Placed Assets in Place Duplicate Placed Assets on Cursor Duplicate Custom Labels in Place Duplicate Custom Labels on Cursor New Glass Textures Merge Textures of Imported Assets by Default Import plain color surfaces from SketchUp asset exports Asset/Section/Example Project Reorganization Toggles for "Hide Model" and "Hide Shadow" for placed assets. Labeling Improvements Add
FontSizeinputforAutoSectionLabelsAddALLCAPSshortcut/fontforautolabelsAddOption to turn off Left & Right section label leaders instead of both Vertically center the auto-section label box to remove the bottom line (dimension text line) if the following 3 criteria are met: Hide Units is toggled on Override Dimension is toggled on Override Dimension Text is blank "changed category from "Major Feature" to "Completed"