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together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
changed description "BT Cloud - License Management Individual and Enterprise Seat Manager tracked devices may change depending on IP/browser changes. Gather more info and continue testing to determine Tracked Device logs. Beyond Typicals
Asset/Custom3D Grass isn't scaling/spacing to full length of section when lengthening section beyond 100' (Solve with new 3D Grass System?) Auto-scale diagonal hatch marking widths on various road/bridge lanes/shoulders to fit full section width Allow for traffic speed edits (0-100 mph) on Flat Median, Shoulder, Bridge Shoulder, Sloped Shoulders - applies when moving traffic asset is assigned as a Primary or Secondary asset. Example use case: bikes or pedestrians riding/walking on shoulder. Custom labels above the model are rendered in the "Background" image when rendering with transparency. Custom labels are hidden by clouds Cloud density/height changes when rendering. Some Pink/orange/light gray colors not rendering in videos Trial watermark does not render on screenshots with Alpha unless it's positioned over placed sections Video renders with special/accented characters in the phase/file output name (i.e. "é") are not saving. (Screenshot images save, though) Section Labelgizmoishiddenbyimportedphotolayerwhenmovedawayfromsections.CustomlabelsarehiddenbycloudsClouddensity/heightchangeswhenrendering.SomePink/orange/lightgraycolorsnotrenderinginvideosRenderingVideowithAuto-PhasingturnsoffAsset - Background Alphatransparency=0.00 makes it black, not transparent. For Custom Labels(completewithrendercolorfix)TrialwatermarkdoesnotrenderonscreenshotswithAlphaunlessit'spositionedoverplacedsectionsVideorenderswithspecial/accentedcharactersinthephase/fileoutputname(i.e."é")arenotsaving.(Screenshotimagessave,though)SectionLabelAsset-BackgroundAlphatransparency=0.00makesitblack,nottransparent.ForCustomLabelsan A=0.0 makes the background transparent as expected. Preferably both label types have Transparent Background with A=0.0 but will also appear when rendering image with Alphatransparency (currently Section Labels do but Custom Labels don't) Custom Label Header and Body Text change not saving when changing alignment setting following a text edit Stop bars move when changing "Enable Clipping" setting Stripes don't appear next to sidewalk sections (I assume they're 0.5 feet below surface) - have stripe detect elevation via hierarchy link to sidewalk or road section types Sometimes Autophase Interval box will appear when unchecked or vice versa when switching between files.EarthLayers8K+120FPS video renders finish as 0 KB files. Dynamic Assets Add some clothing diversity to the metahumans, both static and moving Increase maximum Bus &Right-of-Waysections-whenreducingtheseelementsto0',Train image scaling to be able to fully "wrap" a vehicle in an image. (When image texture scale on dynamic train is increased very large, the logo projects to the adjacent ground.) In Dynamic Static Pedestrian, Person 1 = Person 59. Replace 1 or 59 with a different pedestrian. Current Bus & Train text fonts don't allow for special characters (including hypens and periods). Add other dynamic signage fonts as additional options, make sure theycurrentlycan'tbewidenedbackoutare scaled properly by default to fit the message board height. "changed description "BT Cloud - License Management Individual and Enterprise Seat Manager tracked devices may change depending on IP/browser changes. Gather more info and continue testing to determine Tracked Device logs. Beyond Typicals 3D Grass isn't scaling/spacing to full length of section when lengthening section beyond 100' (Solve with new 3D Grass System?) Auto-scale diagonal hatch marking widths on various road/bridge lanes/shoulders to fit full section width Allow for traffic speed edits (0-100 mph) on Flat Median, Shoulder, Bridge Shoulder, Sloped Shoulders - applies when moving traffic asset is assigned as a Primary or Secondary asset. Example use case: bikes or pedestrians riding/walking on shoulder. Custom labels above the model are rendered in the "Background" image when rendering with transparency. Custom labels are hidden by clouds Cloud density/height changes when rendering. Some Pink/orange/light gray colors not rendering in videos Trial watermark does not render on screenshots with Alpha unless it's positioned over placed sections Video renders with special/accented characters in the phase/file output name (i.e. "é") are not saving. (Screenshot images save, though) Section Label Asset - Background Alphatransparency=0.00 makes it black, not transparent. For Custom Labels an A=0.0 makes the background transparent as expected. Preferably both label types have Transparent Background with A=0.0 but will also appear when rendering image with Alphatransparency (currently Section Labels do but Custom Labels don't) Custom Label Header and Body Text change not saving when changing alignment setting following a text edit Stop bars move when changing "Enable Clipping" setting Stripes don't appear next to sidewalk sections (I assume they're 0.5 feet below surface) - have stripe detect elevation via hierarchy link to sidewalk or road section types Sometimes Autophase Interval box will appear when unchecked or vice versa when switching between files. 8K+120FPS video renders finish as 0 KB files. 'Curb and Gutter Generic' doesn't appear when filtering section list by 'Curb' Dynamic Assets Add some clothing diversity to the metahumans, both static and moving Increase maximum Bus & Train image scaling to be able to fully "wrap" a vehicle in an image. (When image texture scale on dynamic train is increased very large, the logo projects to the adjacent ground.) In Dynamic Static Pedestrian, Person 1 = Person 59. Replace 1 or 59 with a different pedestrian. Current Bus & Train text fonts don't allow for special characters (including hypens and periods). Add other dynamic signage fonts as additional options, make sure they are scaled properly by default to fit the message board height. Adjusting the scale of a placed Metahuman asset doesn't resize the pedestrian "
changed description "BT Cloud - License Management Individual and Enterprise Seat Manager tracked devices may change depending on IP/browser changes. Gather more info and continue testing to determine Tracked Device logs. Beyond Typicals 3D Grass isn't scaling/spacing to full length of section when lengthening section beyond 100' (Solve with new 3D Grass System?) Nanite may be eliminating 3D grass too strongly - consider adjustment based on PC? Imported assets assigned as primary/secondary section asset should clip at front & back edge of section length. Auto-scale diagonal hatch marking widths on various road/bridge lanes/shoulders to fit full section width Allow for traffic speed edits (0-100 mph) on Flat Median, Shoulder, Bridge Shoulder, Sloped Shoulders - applies when moving traffic asset is assigned as a Primary or Secondary asset. Example use case: bikes or pedestrians riding/walking on shoulder. Custom labels above the model are rendered in the "Background" image when rendering with transparency. Custom labels are hidden by clouds Cloud density/height changes when rendering. Some Pink/orange/light gray colors not rendering in videos Trial watermark does not render on screenshots with Alpha unless it's positioned over placed sections Video renders with special/accented characters in the phase/file output name (i.e. "é") are not saving. (Screenshot images save, though) Section Label Asset - Background Alphatransparency=0.00 makes it black, not transparent. For Custom Labels an A=0.0 makes the background transparent as expected. Preferably both label types have Transparent Background with A=0.0 but will also appear when rendering image with Alphatransparency (currently Section Labels do but Custom Labels don't) Custom Label Header and Body Text change not saving when changing alignment setting following a text edit Stop bars move when changing "Enable Clipping" setting Stripes don't appear next to sidewalk sections (I assume they're 0.5 feet below surface) - have stripe detect elevation via hierarchy link to sidewalk or road section types Sometimes Autophase Interval box will appear when unchecked or vice versa when switching between files. 8K+120FPS video renders finish as 0 KB files. 'Curb and Gutter Generic' doesn't appear when filtering section list by 'Curb' Dynamic Assets Add some clothing diversity to the metahumans, both static and moving Increase maximum Bus & Train image scaling to be able to fully "wrap" a vehicle in an image. (When image texture scale on dynamic train is increased very large, the logo projects to the adjacent ground.) In Dynamic Static Pedestrian, Person 1 = Person 59. Replace 1 or 59 with a different pedestrian. Current Bus & Train text fonts don't allow for special characters (including hypens and periods). Add other dynamic signage fonts as additional options, make sure they are scaled properly by default to fit the message board height. Adjusting the scale of a placed Metahuman asset doesn't resize the pedestrian Stop bar functions strangely for dynamic train; behavior is dependent on number of train cars. Train stops far back from stop bar, and may not appear at all, or stop at all, if number of train cars is long enough. Add width scaling option for Train so it can be slightly adjusted to fit track/section widths as needed. Change order of Dynamic Bus inputs to following (new things bolded): Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Add Passengers Articulated Bus Passenger Fill Exterior Color Roof Color Custom Sign Image (Import) Sign Scale Sign Rotation Front Sign Offset X Front Sign Offset Y Rear Sign Toggle On/Off Rear Sign Offset X Rear Sign Offset Y Change order of Dynamic Train inputs to: Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Power Car Length Add Power Car End Electric Equipment Number of Passenger Cars Add Passengers Passenger Fill Base Side Color Primary Lines Color Secondary Lines Color Top/Bottom Color Custom Decal Image Decal Scale Decal Rotation Decal X-Offset Decal Y-Offset "
changed description "BT Cloud - License Management Individual and Enterprise Seat Manager tracked devices may change depending on IP/browser changes. Gather more info and continue testing to determine Tracked Device logs. Beyond Typicals Imported Assets - When starting a new project in same session, previous project's imported asset thumbnail appears for new imported asset. 3D Grass isn't scaling/spacing to full length of section when lengthening section beyond 100' (Solve with new 3D Grass System?) Nanite may be eliminating 3D grass too strongly - consider adjustment based on PC? Imported assets assigned as primary/secondary section asset should clip at front & back edge of section length. Auto-scale diagonal hatch marking widths on various road/bridge lanes/shoulders to fit full section width Allow for traffic speed edits (0-100 mph) on Flat Median, Shoulder, Bridge Shoulder, Sloped Shoulders - applies when moving traffic asset is assigned as a Primary or Secondary asset. Example use case: bikes or pedestrians riding/walking on shoulder. Custom labels above the model are rendered in the "Background" image when rendering with transparency. Custom labels are hidden by clouds Cloud density/height changes when rendering. Some Pink/orange/light gray colors not rendering in videos Trial watermark does not render on screenshots with Alpha unless it's positioned over placed sections Video renders with special/accented characters in the phase/file output name (i.e. "é") are not saving. (Screenshot images save, though) Section Label Asset - Background Alphatransparency=0.00 makes it black, not transparent. For Custom Labels an A=0.0 makes the background transparent as expected. Preferably both label types have Transparent Background with A=0.0 but will also appear when rendering image with Alphatransparency (currently Section Labels do but Custom Labels don't) Custom Label Header and Body Text change not saving when changing alignment setting following a text edit Stop bars move when changing "Enable Clipping" setting Stripes don't appear next to sidewalk sections (I assume they're 0.5 feet below surface) - have stripe detect elevation via hierarchy link to sidewalk or road section types Sometimes Autophase Interval box will appear when unchecked or vice versa when switching between files. 8K+120FPS video renders finish as 0 KB files. 'Curb and Gutter Generic' doesn't appear when filtering section list by 'Curb' Dynamic Assets Add some clothing diversity to the metahumans, both static and moving Dynamic bus has tail light textures that aren't clipping properly at the edges of the section length. Increase maximum Bus & Train image scaling to be able to fully "wrap" a vehicle in an image. (When image texture scale on dynamic train is increased very large, the logo projects to the adjacent ground.) In Dynamic Static Pedestrian, Person 1 = Person 59. Replace 1 or 59 with a different pedestrian. Current Bus & Train text fonts don't allow for special characters (including hypens and periods). Add other dynamic signage fonts as additional options, make sure they are scaled properly by default to fit the message board height. Adjusting the scale of a placed Metahuman asset doesn't resize the pedestrian Stop bar functions strangely for dynamic train; behavior is dependent on number of train cars. Train stops far back from stop bar, and may not appear at all, or stop at all, if number of train cars is long enough. Add width scaling option for Train so it can be slightly adjusted to fit track/section widths as needed. Change order of Dynamic Bus inputs to following (new things bolded): Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Add Passengers Articulated Bus Passenger Fill Exterior Color Roof Color Custom Sign Image (Import) Sign Scale Sign Rotation Front Sign Offset X Front Sign Offset Y Rear Sign Toggle On/Off Rear Sign Offset X Rear Sign Offset Y Change order of Dynamic Train inputs to: Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Power Car Length Add Power Car End Electric Equipment Number of Passenger Cars Add Passengers Passenger Fill Base Side Color Primary Lines Color Secondary Lines Color Top/Bottom Color Custom Decal Image Decal Scale Decal Rotation Decal X-Offset Decal Y-Offset "
changed title "
3.X3.0 Bugs / Issues "description "BT Cloud - License Management Individual and Enterprise Seat Manager tracked devices may change depending on IP/browser changes. Gather more info and continue testing to determine Tracked Device logs. Beyond Typicals Section Folder Label Height appears in Feet when units are changed to Metric. Imported Assets - When starting a new project in same session, previous project's imported asset thumbnail appears for new imported asset. 3D Grass isn't scaling/spacing to full length of section when lengthening section beyond 100' (Solve with new 3D Grass System?) Nanite may be eliminating 3D grass too strongly - consider adjustment based on PC? Imported assets assigned as primary/secondary section asset should clip at front & back edge of section length. Auto-scale diagonal hatch marking widths on various road/bridge lanes/shoulders to fit full section width Allow for traffic speed edits (0-100 mph) on Flat Median, Shoulder, Bridge Shoulder, Sloped Shoulders - applies when moving traffic asset is assigned as a Primary or Secondary asset. Example use case: bikes or pedestrians riding/walking on shoulder. Custom labels above the model are rendered in the "Background" image when rendering with transparency. Custom labels are hidden by clouds Cloud density/height changes when rendering. Some Pink/orange/light gray colors not rendering in videos Trial watermark does not render on screenshots with Alpha unless it's positioned over placed sections Video renders with special/accented characters in the phase/file output name (i.e. "é") are not saving. (Screenshot images save, though) Section Label Asset - Background Alphatransparency=0.00 makes it black, not transparent. For Custom Labels an A=0.0 makes the background transparent as expected. Preferably both label types have Transparent Background with A=0.0 but will also appear when rendering image with Alphatransparency (currently Section Labels do but Custom Labels don't) Custom Label Header and Body Text change not saving when changing alignment setting following a text edit Stop bars move when changing "Enable Clipping" setting Stripes don't appear next to sidewalk sections (I assume they're 0.5 feet below surface) - have stripe detect elevation via hierarchy link to sidewalk or road section types Sometimes Autophase Interval box will appear when unchecked or vice versa when switching between files. 8K+120FPS video renders finish as 0 KB files. 'Curb and Gutter Generic' doesn't appear when filtering section list by 'Curb' Dynamic Assets Add some clothing diversity to the metahumans, both static and moving Dynamic bus has tail light textures that aren't clipping properly at the edges of the section length. Increase maximum Bus & Train image scaling to be able to fully "wrap" a vehicle in an image. (When image texture scale on dynamic train is increased very large, the logo projects to the adjacent ground.) In Dynamic Static Pedestrian, Person 1 = Person 59. Replace 1 or 59 with a different pedestrian. Current Bus & Train text fonts don't allow for special characters (including hypens and periods). Add other dynamic signage fonts as additional options, make sure they are scaled properly by default to fit the message board height. Adjusting the scale of a placed Metahuman asset doesn't resize the pedestrian Stop bar functions strangely for dynamic train; behavior is dependent on number of train cars. Train stops far back from stop bar, and may not appear at all, or stop at all, if number of train cars is long enough. Add width scaling option for Train so it can be slightly adjusted to fit track/section widths as needed. Change order of Dynamic Bus inputs to following (new things bolded): Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Add Passengers Articulated Bus Passenger Fill Exterior Color Roof Color Custom Sign Image (Import) Sign Scale Sign Rotation Front Sign Offset X Front Sign Offset Y Rear Sign Toggle On/Off Rear Sign Offset X Rear Sign Offset Y Change order of Dynamic Train inputs to: Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Power Car Length Add Power Car End Electric Equipment Number of Passenger Cars Add Passengers Passenger Fill Base Side Color Primary Lines Color Secondary Lines Color Top/Bottom Color Custom Decal Image Decal Scale Decal Rotation Decal X-Offset Decal Y-Offset "changed description "BT Cloud - License Management Individual and Enterprise Seat Manager tracked devices may change depending on IP/browser changes. Gather more info and continue testing to determine Tracked Device logs. Beyond Typicals Section Folder Label Height appears in Feet when units are changed to Metric. Imported Assets - When starting a new project in same session, previous project's imported asset thumbnail appears for new imported asset. 3D Grass isn't scaling/spacing to full length of section when lengthening section beyond 100' (Solve with new 3D Grass System?) Nanite may be eliminating 3D grass too strongly - consider adjustment based on PC? Imported assets assigned as primary/secondary section asset should clip at front & back edge of section length. Auto-scale diagonal hatch marking widths on various road/bridge lanes/shoulders to fit full section width Allow for traffic speed edits (0-100 mph) on Flat Median, Shoulder, Bridge Shoulder, Sloped Shoulders - applies when moving traffic asset is assigned as a Primary or Secondary asset. Example use case: bikes or pedestrians riding/walking on shoulder. Custom labels above the model are rendered in the "Background" image when rendering with transparency. Custom labels are hidden by clouds Cloud density/height changes when rendering. Some Pink/orange/light gray colors not rendering in videos Trial watermark does not render on screenshots with Alpha unless it's positioned over placed sections Video renders with special/accented characters in the phase/file output name (i.e. "é") are not saving. (Screenshot images save, though) Section Label Asset - Background Alphatransparency=0.00 makes it black, not transparent. For Custom Labels an A=0.0 makes the background transparent as expected. Preferably both label types have Transparent Background with A=0.0 but will also appear when rendering image with Alphatransparency (currently Section Labels do but Custom Labels don't) Custom Label Header and Body Text change not saving when changing alignment setting following a text edit Stop bars move when changing "Enable Clipping" setting Stripes don't appear next to sidewalk sections (I assume they're 0.5 feet below surface) - have stripe detect elevation via hierarchy link to sidewalk or road section types Sometimes Autophase Interval box will appear when unchecked or vice versa when switching between files. 8K+120FPS video renders finish as 0 KB files. 'Curb and Gutter Generic' doesn't appear when filtering section list by 'Curb' Sections exceeding Width Bounds limit unhighlight if the surface texture tint is changed. Dynamic Assets Add some clothing diversity to the metahumans, both static and moving Dynamic bus has tail light textures that aren't clipping properly at the edges of the section length. Increase maximum Bus & Train image scaling to be able to fully "wrap" a vehicle in an image. (When image texture scale on dynamic train is increased very large, the logo projects to the adjacent ground.) In Dynamic Static Pedestrian, Person 1 = Person 59. Replace 1 or 59 with a different pedestrian. Current Bus & Train text fonts don't allow for special characters (including hypens and periods). Add other dynamic signage fonts as additional options, make sure they are scaled properly by default to fit the message board height. Adjusting the scale of a placed Metahuman asset doesn't resize the pedestrian Stop bar functions strangely for dynamic train; behavior is dependent on number of train cars. Train stops far back from stop bar, and may not appear at all, or stop at all, if number of train cars is long enough. Add width scaling option for Train so it can be slightly adjusted to fit track/section widths as needed. Change order of Dynamic Bus inputs to following (new things bolded): Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Add Passengers Articulated Bus Passenger Fill Exterior Color Roof Color Custom Sign Image (Import) Sign Scale Sign Rotation Front Sign Offset X Front Sign Offset Y Rear Sign Toggle On/Off Rear Sign Offset X Rear Sign Offset Y Change order of Dynamic Train inputs to: Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Power Car Length Add Power Car End Electric Equipment Number of Passenger Cars Add Passengers Passenger Fill Base Side Color Primary Lines Color Secondary Lines Color Top/Bottom Color Custom Decal Image Decal Scale Decal Rotation Decal X-Offset Decal Y-Offset "
changed description "BT Cloud - License Management Individual and Enterprise Seat Manager tracked devices may change depending on IP/browser changes. Gather more info and continue testing to determine Tracked Device logs. Beyond Typicals Section Folder Label Height appears in Feet when units are changed to Metric. Imported Assets - When starting a new project in same session, previous project's imported asset thumbnail appears for new imported asset. 3D Grass isn't scaling/spacing to full length of section when lengthening section beyond 100' (Solve with new 3D Grass System?) Nanite may be eliminating 3D grass too strongly - consider adjustment based on PC? Imported assets assigned as primary/secondary section asset should clip at front & back edge of section length. Auto-scale diagonal hatch marking widths on various road/bridge lanes/shoulders to fit full section width Allow for traffic speed edits (0-100 mph) on Flat Median, Shoulder, Bridge Shoulder, Sloped Shoulders - applies when moving traffic asset is assigned as a Primary or Secondary asset. Example use case: bikes or pedestrians riding/walking on shoulder. Custom labels above the model are rendered in the "Background" image when rendering with transparency. Custom labels are hidden by clouds Cloud density/height changes when rendering. Some Pink/orange/light gray colors not rendering in videos Trial watermark does not render on screenshots with Alpha unless it's positioned over placed sections Video renders with special/accented characters in the phase/file output name (i.e. "é") are not saving. (Screenshot images save, though) Section Label Asset - Background Alphatransparency=0.00 makes it black, not transparent. For Custom Labels an A=0.0 makes the background transparent as expected. Preferably both label types have Transparent Background with A=0.0 but will also appear when rendering image with Alphatransparency (currently Section Labels do but Custom Labels don't) Custom Label Header and Body Text change not saving when changing alignment setting following a text edit Stop bars move when changing "Enable Clipping" setting Stripes don't appear next to sidewalk sections (I assume they're 0.5 feet below surface) - have stripe detect elevation via hierarchy link to sidewalk or road section types Sometimes Autophase Interval box will appear when unchecked or vice versa when switching between files. 8K+120FPS video renders finish as 0 KB files. 'Curb and Gutter Generic' doesn't appear when filtering section list by 'Curb' Sections exceeding Width Bounds limit unhighlight if the surface texture tint is changed. Long filename text in Photo Compositing layer list will cover the Edit/View/etc buttons. Have text side-scroll if longer than available width. Dynamic Assets Add some clothing diversity to the metahumans, both static and moving Dynamic bus has tail light textures that aren't clipping properly at the edges of the section length. Increase maximum Bus & Train image scaling to be able to fully "wrap" a vehicle in an image. (When image texture scale on dynamic train is increased very large, the logo projects to the adjacent ground.) In Dynamic Static Pedestrian, Person 1 = Person 59. Replace 1 or 59 with a different pedestrian. Current Bus & Train text fonts don't allow for special characters (including hypens and periods). Add other dynamic signage fonts as additional options, make sure they are scaled properly by default to fit the message board height. Adjusting the scale of a placed Metahuman asset doesn't resize the pedestrian Stop bar functions strangely for dynamic train; behavior is dependent on number of train cars. Train stops far back from stop bar, and may not appear at all, or stop at all, if number of train cars is long enough. Add width scaling option for Train so it can be slightly adjusted to fit track/section widths as needed. Change order of Dynamic Bus inputs to following (new things bolded): Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Add Passengers Articulated Bus Passenger Fill Exterior Color Roof Color Custom Sign Image (Import) Sign Scale Sign Rotation Front Sign Offset X Front Sign Offset Y Rear Sign Toggle On/Off Rear Sign Offset X Rear Sign Offset Y Change order of Dynamic Train inputs to: Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Power Car Length Add Power Car End Electric Equipment Number of Passenger Cars Add Passengers Passenger Fill Base Side Color Primary Lines Color Secondary Lines Color Top/Bottom Color Custom Decal Image Decal Scale Decal Rotation Decal X-Offset Decal Y-Offset "
changed description "BT Cloud - License Management Individual and Enterprise Seat Manager tracked devices may change depending on IP/browser changes. Gather more info and continue testing to determine Tracked Device logs. Beyond Typicals Section Folder Label Height appears in Feet when units are changed to Metric. Imported Assets - When starting a new project in same session, previous project's imported asset thumbnail appears for new imported asset. 3D Grass isn't scaling/spacing to full length of section when lengthening section beyond 100' (Solve with new 3D Grass System?) Nanite may be eliminating 3D grass too strongly - consider adjustment based on PC? Imported assets assigned as primary/secondary section asset should clip at front & back edge of section length. Auto-scale diagonal hatch marking widths on various road/bridge lanes/shoulders to fit full section width Allow for traffic speed edits (0-100 mph) on Flat Median, Shoulder, Bridge Shoulder, Sloped Shoulders - applies when moving traffic asset is assigned as a Primary or Secondary asset. Example use case: bikes or pedestrians riding/walking on shoulder. Custom labels above the model are rendered in the "Background" image when rendering with transparency. Custom labels are hidden by clouds Cloud density/height changes when rendering. Some Pink/orange/light gray colors not rendering in videos Trial watermark does not render on screenshots with Alpha unless it's positioned over placed sections Video renders with special/accented characters in the phase/file output name (i.e. "é") are not saving. (Screenshot images save, though) Section Label Asset - Background Alphatransparency=0.00 makes it black, not transparent. For Custom Labels an A=0.0 makes the background transparent as expected. Preferably both label types have Transparent Background with A=0.0 but will also appear when rendering image with Alphatransparency (currently Section Labels do but Custom Labels don't) Custom Label Header and Body Text change not saving when changing alignment setting following a text edit Stop bars move when changing "Enable Clipping" setting Stripes don't appear next to sidewalk sections (I assume they're 0.5 feet below surface) - have stripe detect elevation via hierarchy link to sidewalk or road section types Sometimes Autophase Interval box will appear when unchecked or vice versa when switching between files. 8K+120FPS video renders finish as 0 KB files. 'Curb and Gutter Generic' doesn't appear when filtering section list by 'Curb' Sections exceeding Width Bounds limit unhighlight if the surface texture tint is changed. Long filename text in Photo Compositing layer list will cover the Edit/View/etc buttons. Have text side-scroll if longer than available width. Some textures (Grass 1, 2, 3 & others) don't appear on most Sloped Lanes Dynamic Assets Add some clothing diversity to the metahumans, both static and moving Dynamic bus has tail light textures that aren't clipping properly at the edges of the section length. Increase maximum Bus & Train image scaling to be able to fully "wrap" a vehicle in an image. (When image texture scale on dynamic train is increased very large, the logo projects to the adjacent ground.) In Dynamic Static Pedestrian, Person 1 = Person 59. Replace 1 or 59 with a different pedestrian. Current Bus & Train text fonts don't allow for special characters (including hypens and periods). Add other dynamic signage fonts as additional options, make sure they are scaled properly by default to fit the message board height. Adjusting the scale of a placed Metahuman asset doesn't resize the pedestrian Stop bar functions strangely for dynamic train; behavior is dependent on number of train cars. Train stops far back from stop bar, and may not appear at all, or stop at all, if number of train cars is long enough. Add width scaling option for Train so it can be slightly adjusted to fit track/section widths as needed. Change order of Dynamic Bus inputs to following (new things bolded): Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Add Passengers Articulated Bus Passenger Fill Exterior Color Roof Color Custom Sign Image (Import) Sign Scale Sign Rotation Front Sign Offset X Front Sign Offset Y Rear Sign Toggle On/Off Rear Sign Offset X Rear Sign Offset Y Change order of Dynamic Train inputs to: Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Power Car Length Add Power Car End Electric Equipment Number of Passenger Cars Add Passengers Passenger Fill Base Side Color Primary Lines Color Secondary Lines Color Top/Bottom Color Custom Decal Image Decal Scale Decal Rotation Decal X-Offset Decal Y-Offset "
changed description "BT Cloud - License Management Individual and Enterprise Seat Manager tracked devices may change depending on IP/browser changes. Gather more info and continue testing to determine Tracked Device logs. Beyond Typicals Metahuman expansion pack install doesn't complete. Section Folder Label Height appears in Feet when units are changed to Metric. Imported Assets - When starting a new project in same session, previous project's imported asset thumbnail appears for new imported asset. 3D Grass isn't scaling/spacing to full length of section when lengthening section beyond 100' (Solve with new 3D Grass System?) Nanite may be eliminating 3D grass too strongly - consider adjustment based on PC? Imported assets assigned as primary/secondary section asset should clip at front & back edge of section length. Auto-scale diagonal hatch marking widths on various road/bridge lanes/shoulders to fit full section width Allow for traffic speed edits (0-100 mph) on Flat Median, Shoulder, Bridge Shoulder, Sloped Shoulders - applies when moving traffic asset is assigned as a Primary or Secondary asset. Example use case: bikes or pedestrians riding/walking on shoulder. Custom labels above the model are rendered in the "Background" image when rendering with transparency. Custom labels are hidden by clouds Cloud density/height changes when rendering. Some Pink/orange/light gray colors not rendering in videos Trial watermark does not render on screenshots with Alpha unless it's positioned over placed sections Video renders with special/accented characters in the phase/file output name (i.e. "é") are not saving. (Screenshot images save, though) Section Label Asset - Background Alphatransparency=0.00 makes it black, not transparent. For Custom Labels an A=0.0 makes the background transparent as expected. Preferably both label types have Transparent Background with A=0.0 but will also appear when rendering image with Alphatransparency (currently Section Labels do but Custom Labels don't) Custom Label Header and Body Text change not saving when changing alignment setting following a text edit Stop bars move when changing "Enable Clipping" setting Stripes don't appear next to sidewalk sections (I assume they're 0.5 feet below surface) - have stripe detect elevation via hierarchy link to sidewalk or road section types Sometimes Autophase Interval box will appear when unchecked or vice versa when switching between files. 8K+120FPS video renders finish as 0 KB files. 'Curb and Gutter Generic' doesn't appear when filtering section list by 'Curb' Sections exceeding Width Bounds limit unhighlight if the surface texture tint is changed. Long filename text in Photo Compositing layer list will cover the Edit/View/etc buttons. Have text side-scroll if longer than available width. Some textures (Grass 1, 2, 3 & others) don't appear on most Sloped Lanes Dynamic Assets Add some clothing diversity to the metahumans, both static and moving Dynamic bus has tail light textures that aren't clipping properly at the edges of the section length. Increase maximum Bus & Train image scaling to be able to fully "wrap" a vehicle in an image. (When image texture scale on dynamic train is increased very large, the logo projects to the adjacent ground.) In Dynamic Static Pedestrian, Person 1 = Person 59. Replace 1 or 59 with a different pedestrian. Current Bus & Train text fonts don't allow for special characters (including hypens and periods). Add other dynamic signage fonts as additional options, make sure they are scaled properly by default to fit the message board height. Adjusting the scale of a placed Metahuman asset doesn't resize the pedestrian Stop bar functions strangely for dynamic train; behavior is dependent on number of train cars. Train stops far back from stop bar, and may not appear at all, or stop at all, if number of train cars is long enough. Add width scaling option for Train so it can be slightly adjusted to fit track/section widths as needed. Change order of Dynamic Bus inputs to following (new things bolded): Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Add Passengers Articulated Bus Passenger Fill Exterior Color Roof Color Custom Sign Image (Import) Sign Scale Sign Rotation Front Sign Offset X Front Sign Offset Y Rear Sign Toggle On/Off Rear Sign Offset X Rear Sign Offset Y Change order of Dynamic Train inputs to: Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Power Car Length Add Power Car End Electric Equipment Number of Passenger Cars Add Passengers Passenger Fill Base Side Color Primary Lines Color Secondary Lines Color Top/Bottom Color Custom Decal Image Decal Scale Decal Rotation Decal X-Offset Decal Y-Offset "
changed description "BT Cloud - License Management Individual and Enterprise Seat Manager tracked devices may change depending on IP/browser changes. Gather more info and continue testing to determine Tracked Device logs. Beyond Typicals Entering Layout Mode when a model has grouped folder labels will show just the folder labels in space. Duplicating a section in a model with grouped folder labels won't dynamically relocate the folder labels until another section width change is made. Metahuman expansion pack install doesn't complete. Section Folder Label Height appears in Feet when units are changed to Metric. Imported Assets - When starting a new project in same session, previous project's imported asset thumbnail appears for new imported asset. 3D Grass isn't scaling/spacing to full length of section when lengthening section beyond 100' (Solve with new 3D Grass System?) Nanite may be eliminating 3D grass too strongly - consider adjustment based on PC? Imported assets assigned as primary/secondary section asset should clip at front & back edge of section length. Auto-scale diagonal hatch marking widths on various road/bridge lanes/shoulders to fit full section width Allow for traffic speed edits (0-100 mph) on Flat Median, Shoulder, Bridge Shoulder, Sloped Shoulders - applies when moving traffic asset is assigned as a Primary or Secondary asset. Example use case: bikes or pedestrians riding/walking on shoulder. Custom labels above the model are rendered in the "Background" image when rendering with transparency. Custom labels are hidden by clouds Cloud density/height changes when rendering. Some Pink/orange/light gray colors not rendering in videos Trial watermark does not render on screenshots with Alpha unless it's positioned over placed sections Video renders with special/accented characters in the phase/file output name (i.e. "é") are not saving. (Screenshot images save, though) Section Label Asset - Background Alphatransparency=0.00 makes it black, not transparent. For Custom Labels an A=0.0 makes the background transparent as expected. Preferably both label types have Transparent Background with A=0.0 but will also appear when rendering image with Alphatransparency (currently Section Labels do but Custom Labels don't) Custom Label Header and Body Text change not saving when changing alignment setting following a text edit Stop bars move when changing "Enable Clipping" setting Stripes don't appear next to sidewalk sections (I assume they're 0.5 feet below surface) - have stripe detect elevation via hierarchy link to sidewalk or road section types Sometimes Autophase Interval box will appear when unchecked or vice versa when switching between files. 8K+120FPS video renders finish as 0 KB files. 'Curb and Gutter Generic' doesn't appear when filtering section list by 'Curb' Sections exceeding Width Bounds limit unhighlight if the surface texture tint is changed. Long filename text in Photo Compositing layer list will cover the Edit/View/etc buttons. Have text side-scroll if longer than available width. Some textures (Grass 1, 2, 3 & others) don't appear on most Sloped Lanes Dynamic Assets Add some clothing diversity to the metahumans, both static and moving Dynamic bus has tail light textures that aren't clipping properly at the edges of the section length. Increase maximum Bus & Train image scaling to be able to fully "wrap" a vehicle in an image. (When image texture scale on dynamic train is increased very large, the logo projects to the adjacent ground.) In Dynamic Static Pedestrian, Person 1 = Person 59. Replace 1 or 59 with a different pedestrian. Current Bus & Train text fonts don't allow for special characters (including hypens and periods). Add other dynamic signage fonts as additional options, make sure they are scaled properly by default to fit the message board height. Adjusting the scale of a placed Metahuman asset doesn't resize the pedestrian Stop bar functions strangely for dynamic train; behavior is dependent on number of train cars. Train stops far back from stop bar, and may not appear at all, or stop at all, if number of train cars is long enough. Add width scaling option for Train so it can be slightly adjusted to fit track/section widths as needed. Change order of Dynamic Bus inputs to following (new things bolded): Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Add Passengers Articulated Bus Passenger Fill Exterior Color Roof Color Custom Sign Image (Import) Sign Scale Sign Rotation Front Sign Offset X Front Sign Offset Y Rear Sign Toggle On/Off Rear Sign Offset X Rear Sign Offset Y Change order of Dynamic Train inputs to: Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Power Car Length Add Power Car End Electric Equipment Number of Passenger Cars Add Passengers Passenger Fill Base Side Color Primary Lines Color Secondary Lines Color Top/Bottom Color Custom Decal Image Decal Scale Decal Rotation Decal X-Offset Decal Y-Offset "
changed description "BT Cloud - License Management Individual and Enterprise Seat Manager tracked devices may change depending on IP/browser changes. Gather more info and continue testing to determine Tracked Device logs. Beyond Typicals Entering Layout Mode when a model has grouped folder labels will show just the folder labels in space. Grouped folder labels don't appear in a Layout. Duplicating a section in a model with grouped folder labels won't dynamically relocate the folder labels until another section width change is made. Metahuman expansion pack install doesn't complete. Transparency objects don't appear in front of photo layer (glow & glass texture, custom labels, etc.) Section Folder Label Height appears in Feet when units are changed to Metric. Imported Assets - When starting a new project in same session, previous project's imported asset thumbnail appears for new imported asset. 3D Grass isn't scaling/spacing to full length of section when lengthening section beyond 100' (Solve with new 3D Grass System?) Nanite may be eliminating 3D grass too strongly - consider adjustment based on PC? Imported assets assigned as primary/secondary section asset should clip at front & back edge of section length. Auto-scale diagonal hatch marking widths on various road/bridge lanes/shoulders to fit full section width Allow for traffic speed edits (0-100 mph) on Flat Median, Shoulder, Bridge Shoulder, Sloped Shoulders - applies when moving traffic asset is assigned as a Primary or Secondary asset. Example use case: bikes or pedestrians riding/walking on shoulder. Custom labels above the model are rendered in the "Background" image when rendering with transparency. Custom labels are hidden by clouds Cloud density/height changes when rendering. Some Pink/orange/light gray colors not rendering in videos Trial watermark does not render on screenshots with Alpha unless it's positioned over placed sections Video renders with special/accented characters in the phase/file output name (i.e. "é") are not saving. (Screenshot images save, though) Section Label Asset - Background Alphatransparency=0.00 makes it black, not transparent. For Custom Labels an A=0.0 makes the background transparent as expected. Preferably both label types have Transparent Background with A=0.0 but will also appear when rendering image with Alphatransparency (currently Section Labels do but Custom Labels don't) Custom Label Header and Body Text change not saving when changing alignment setting following a text edit Stop bars move when changing "Enable Clipping" setting Stripes don't appear next to sidewalk sections (I assume they're 0.5 feet below surface) - have stripe detect elevation via hierarchy link to sidewalk or road section types Sometimes Autophase Interval box will appear when unchecked or vice versa when switching between files. 8K+120FPS video renders finish as 0 KB files. 'Curb and Gutter Generic' doesn't appear when filtering section list by 'Curb' Sections exceeding Width Bounds limit unhighlight if the surface texture tint is changed. Long filename text in Photo Compositing layer list will cover the Edit/View/etc buttons. Have text side-scroll if longer than available width. Some textures (Grass 1, 2, 3 & others) don't appear on most Sloped Lanes Dynamic Assets Add some clothing diversity to the metahumans, both static and moving Dynamic bus has tail light textures that aren't clipping properly at the edges of the section length. Increase maximum Bus & Train image scaling to be able to fully "wrap" a vehicle in an image. (When image texture scale on dynamic train is increased very large, the logo projects to the adjacent ground.) In Dynamic Static Pedestrian, Person 1 = Person 59. Replace 1 or 59 with a different pedestrian. Current Bus & Train text fonts don't allow for special characters (including hypens and periods). Add other dynamic signage fonts as additional options, make sure they are scaled properly by default to fit the message board height. Adjusting the scale of a placed Metahuman asset doesn't resize the pedestrian Stop bar functions strangely for dynamic train; behavior is dependent on number of train cars. Train stops far back from stop bar, and may not appear at all, or stop at all, if number of train cars is long enough. Add width scaling option for Train so it can be slightly adjusted to fit track/section widths as needed. Change order of Dynamic Bus inputs to following (new things bolded): Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Add Passengers Articulated Bus Passenger Fill Exterior Color Roof Color Custom Sign Image (Import) Sign Scale Sign Rotation Front Sign Offset X Front Sign Offset Y Rear Sign Toggle On/Off Rear Sign Offset X Rear Sign Offset Y Change order of Dynamic Train inputs to: Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Power Car Length Add Power Car End Electric Equipment Number of Passenger Cars Add Passengers Passenger Fill Base Side Color Primary Lines Color Secondary Lines Color Top/Bottom Color Custom Decal Image Decal Scale Decal Rotation Decal X-Offset Decal Y-Offset "
changed description "BT Cloud - License Management Individual and Enterprise Seat Manager tracked devices may change depending on IP/browser changes. Gather more info and continue testing to determine Tracked Device logs. Beyond Typicals Dirt extension level (below lowest section layer) will expand/shorten if changing the Section Length setting without pressing "Confirm". Need to raise/lower section to see it after changing the section length value. Entering Layout Mode when a model has grouped folder labels will show just the folder labels in space. Grouped folder labels don't appear in a Layout. Duplicating a section in a model with grouped folder labels won't dynamically relocate the folder labels until another section width change is made. Metahuman expansion pack install doesn't complete. Transparency objects don't appear in front of photo layer (glow & glass texture, custom labels, etc.) Section Folder Label Height appears in Feet when units are changed to Metric. Imported Assets - When starting a new project in same session, previous project's imported asset thumbnail appears for new imported asset. 3D Grass isn't scaling/spacing to full length of section when lengthening section beyond 100' (Solve with new 3D Grass System?) Nanite may be eliminating 3D grass too strongly - consider adjustment based on PC? Imported assets assigned as primary/secondary section asset should clip at front & back edge of section length. Auto-scale diagonal hatch marking widths on various road/bridge lanes/shoulders to fit full section width Allow for traffic speed edits (0-100 mph) on Flat Median, Shoulder, Bridge Shoulder, Sloped Shoulders - applies when moving traffic asset is assigned as a Primary or Secondary asset. Example use case: bikes or pedestrians riding/walking on shoulder. Custom labels above the model are rendered in the "Background" image when rendering with transparency. Custom labels are hidden by clouds Cloud density/height changes when rendering. Some Pink/orange/light gray colors not rendering in videos Trial watermark does not render on screenshots with Alpha unless it's positioned over placed sections Video renders with special/accented characters in the phase/file output name (i.e. "é") are not saving. (Screenshot images save, though) Section Label Asset - Background Alphatransparency=0.00 makes it black, not transparent. For Custom Labels an A=0.0 makes the background transparent as expected. Preferably both label types have Transparent Background with A=0.0 but will also appear when rendering image with Alphatransparency (currently Section Labels do but Custom Labels don't) Custom Label Header and Body Text change not saving when changing alignment setting following a text edit Stop bars move when changing "Enable Clipping" setting Stripes don't appear next to sidewalk sections (I assume they're 0.5 feet below surface) - have stripe detect elevation via hierarchy link to sidewalk or road section types Sometimes Autophase Interval box will appear when unchecked or vice versa when switching between files. 8K+120FPS video renders finish as 0 KB files. 'Curb and Gutter Generic' doesn't appear when filtering section list by 'Curb' Sections exceeding Width Bounds limit unhighlight if the surface texture tint is changed. Long filename text in Photo Compositing layer list will cover the Edit/View/etc buttons. Have text side-scroll if longer than available width. Some textures (Grass 1, 2, 3 & others) don't appear on most Sloped Lanes Dynamic Assets Add some clothing diversity to the metahumans, both static and moving Dynamic bus has tail light textures that aren't clipping properly at the edges of the section length. Increase maximum Bus & Train image scaling to be able to fully "wrap" a vehicle in an image. (When image texture scale on dynamic train is increased very large, the logo projects to the adjacent ground.) In Dynamic Static Pedestrian, Person 1 = Person 59. Replace 1 or 59 with a different pedestrian. Current Bus & Train text fonts don't allow for special characters (including hypens and periods). Add other dynamic signage fonts as additional options, make sure they are scaled properly by default to fit the message board height. Adjusting the scale of a placed Metahuman asset doesn't resize the pedestrian Stop bar functions strangely for dynamic train; behavior is dependent on number of train cars. Train stops far back from stop bar, and may not appear at all, or stop at all, if number of train cars is long enough. Add width scaling option for Train so it can be slightly adjusted to fit track/section widths as needed. Change order of Dynamic Bus inputs to following (new things bolded): Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Add Passengers Articulated Bus Passenger Fill Exterior Color Roof Color Custom Sign Image (Import) Sign Scale Sign Rotation Front Sign Offset X Front Sign Offset Y Rear Sign Toggle On/Off Rear Sign Offset X Rear Sign Offset Y Change order of Dynamic Train inputs to: Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Power Car Length Add Power Car End Electric Equipment Number of Passenger Cars Add Passengers Passenger Fill Base Side Color Primary Lines Color Secondary Lines Color Top/Bottom Color Custom Decal Image Decal Scale Decal Rotation Decal X-Offset Decal Y-Offset "
changed description "BT Cloud - License Management Individual and Enterprise Seat Manager tracked devices may change depending on IP/browser changes. Gather more info and continue testing to determine Tracked Device logs. Beyond Typicals Dirt extension level (below lowest section layer) will expand/shorten if changing the Section Length setting without pressing "Confirm". Need to raise/lower section to see it after changing the section length value. Entering Layout Mode when a model has grouped folder labels will show just the folder labels in space. Grouped folder labels don't appear in a Layout. A labeled folder with just striping in it will display as 0 ft wide at the model centerline - adjust so empty folders OR folders with just striping turn off the folder label. Duplicating a section in a model with grouped folder labels won't dynamically relocate the folder labels until another section width change is made. Adjusting the Centerline of a model with grouped folder labels won't dynamically relocate the folder labels until a section width change is made. Metahuman expansion pack install doesn't complete. Transparency objects don't appear in front of photo layer (glow & glass texture, custom labels, etc.) Section Folder Label Height appears in Feet when units are changed to Metric. Imported Assets - When starting a new project in same session, previous project's imported asset thumbnail appears for new imported asset. 3D Grass isn't scaling/spacing to full length of section when lengthening section beyond 100' (Solve with new 3D Grass System?) Nanite may be eliminating 3D grass too strongly - consider adjustment based on PC? Imported assets assigned as primary/secondary section asset should clip at front & back edge of section length. Auto-scale diagonal hatch marking widths on various road/bridge lanes/shoulders to fit full section width Allow for traffic speed edits (0-100 mph) on Flat Median, Shoulder, Bridge Shoulder, Sloped Shoulders - applies when moving traffic asset is assigned as a Primary or Secondary asset. Example use case: bikes or pedestrians riding/walking on shoulder. Custom labels above the model are rendered in the "Background" image when rendering with transparency. Custom labels are hidden by clouds Cloud density/height changes when rendering. Some Pink/orange/light gray colors not rendering in videos Trial watermark does not render on screenshots with Alpha unless it's positioned over placed sections Video renders with special/accented characters in the phase/file output name (i.e. "é") are not saving. (Screenshot images save, though) Section Label Asset - Background Alphatransparency=0.00 makes it black, not transparent. For Custom Labels an A=0.0 makes the background transparent as expected. Preferably both label types have Transparent Background with A=0.0 but will also appear when rendering image with Alphatransparency (currently Section Labels do but Custom Labels don't) Custom Label Header and Body Text change not saving when changing alignment setting following a text edit Stop bars move when changing "Enable Clipping" setting Stripes don't appear next to sidewalk sections (I assume they're 0.5 feet below surface) - have stripe detect elevation via hierarchy link to sidewalk or road section types Sometimes Autophase Interval box will appear when unchecked or vice versa when switching between files. 8K+120FPS video renders finish as 0 KB files. 'Curb and Gutter Generic' doesn't appear when filtering section list by 'Curb' Sections exceeding Width Bounds limit unhighlight if the surface texture tint is changed. Long filename text in Photo Compositing layer list will cover the Edit/View/etc buttons. Have text side-scroll if longer than available width. Some textures (Grass 1, 2, 3 & others) don't appear on most Sloped Lanes Dynamic Assets Add some clothing diversity to the metahumans, both static and moving Dynamic bus has tail light textures that aren't clipping properly at the edges of the section length. Increase maximum Bus & Train image scaling to be able to fully "wrap" a vehicle in an image. (When image texture scale on dynamic train is increased very large, the logo projects to the adjacent ground.) In Dynamic Static Pedestrian, Person 1 = Person 59. Replace 1 or 59 with a different pedestrian. Current Bus & Train text fonts don't allow for special characters (including hypens and periods). Add other dynamic signage fonts as additional options, make sure they are scaled properly by default to fit the message board height. Adjusting the scale of a placed Metahuman asset doesn't resize the pedestrian Stop bar functions strangely for dynamic train; behavior is dependent on number of train cars. Train stops far back from stop bar, and may not appear at all, or stop at all, if number of train cars is long enough. Add width scaling option for Train so it can be slightly adjusted to fit track/section widths as needed. Change order of Dynamic Bus inputs to following (new things bolded): Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Add Passengers Articulated Bus Passenger Fill Exterior Color Roof Color Custom Sign Image (Import) Sign Scale Sign Rotation Front Sign Offset X Front Sign Offset Y Rear Sign Toggle On/Off Rear Sign Offset X Rear Sign Offset Y Change order of Dynamic Train inputs to: Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Power Car Length Add Power Car End Electric Equipment Number of Passenger Cars Add Passengers Passenger Fill Base Side Color Primary Lines Color Secondary Lines Color Top/Bottom Color Custom Decal Image Decal Scale Decal Rotation Decal X-Offset Decal Y-Offset "
changed description "Server Updates When user login to BT would generate "Too many tracked devices" and "Expired subscription" error, prioritize the "Expired subscription" message. BT Cloud - License Management Individual and Enterprise Seat Manager tracked devices may change depending on IP/browser changes. Gather more info and continue testing to determine Tracked Device logs. Beyond Typicals Dirt extension level (below lowest section layer) will expand/shorten if changing the Section Length setting without pressing "Confirm". Need to raise/lower section to see it after changing the section length value. Entering Layout Mode when a model has grouped folder labels will show just the folder labels in space. Grouped folder labels don't appear in a Layout. A labeled folder with just striping in it will display as 0 ft wide at the model centerline - adjust so empty folders OR folders with just striping turn off the folder label. Duplicating a section in a model with grouped folder labels won't dynamically relocate the folder labels until another section width change is made. Adjusting the Centerline of a model with grouped folder labels won't dynamically relocate the folder labels until a section width change is made. Metahuman expansion pack install doesn't complete. Transparency objects don't appear in front of photo layer (glow & glass texture, custom labels, etc.) Section Folder Label Height appears in Feet when units are changed to Metric. Imported Assets - When starting a new project in same session, previous project's imported asset thumbnail appears for new imported asset. 3D Grass isn't scaling/spacing to full length of section when lengthening section beyond 100' (Solve with new 3D Grass System?) Nanite may be eliminating 3D grass too strongly - consider adjustment based on PC? Imported assets assigned as primary/secondary section asset should clip at front & back edge of section length. Auto-scale diagonal hatch marking widths on various road/bridge lanes/shoulders to fit full section width Allow for traffic speed edits (0-100 mph) on Flat Median, Shoulder, Bridge Shoulder, Sloped Shoulders - applies when moving traffic asset is assigned as a Primary or Secondary asset. Example use case: bikes or pedestrians riding/walking on shoulder. Custom labels above the model are rendered in the "Background" image when rendering with transparency. Custom labels are hidden by clouds Cloud density/height changes when rendering. Some Pink/orange/light gray colors not rendering in videos Trial watermark does not render on screenshots with Alpha unless it's positioned over placed sections Video renders with special/accented characters in the phase/file output name (i.e. "é") are not saving. (Screenshot images save, though) Section Label Asset - Background Alphatransparency=0.00 makes it black, not transparent. For Custom Labels an A=0.0 makes the background transparent as expected. Preferably both label types have Transparent Background with A=0.0 but will also appear when rendering image with Alphatransparency (currently Section Labels do but Custom Labels don't) Custom Label Header and Body Text change not saving when changing alignment setting following a text edit Stop bars move when changing "Enable Clipping" setting Stripes don't appear next to sidewalk sections (I assume they're 0.5 feet below surface) - have stripe detect elevation via hierarchy link to sidewalk or road section types Sometimes Autophase Interval box will appear when unchecked or vice versa when switching between files. 8K+120FPS video renders finish as 0 KB files. 'Curb and Gutter Generic' doesn't appear when filtering section list by 'Curb' Sections exceeding Width Bounds limit unhighlight if the surface texture tint is changed. Long filename text in Photo Compositing layer list will cover the Edit/View/etc buttons. Have text side-scroll if longer than available width. Some textures (Grass 1, 2, 3 & others) don't appear on most Sloped Lanes Dynamic Assets Add some clothing diversity to the metahumans, both static and moving Dynamic bus has tail light textures that aren't clipping properly at the edges of the section length. Increase maximum Bus & Train image scaling to be able to fully "wrap" a vehicle in an image. (When image texture scale on dynamic train is increased very large, the logo projects to the adjacent ground.) In Dynamic Static Pedestrian, Person 1 = Person 59. Replace 1 or 59 with a different pedestrian. Current Bus & Train text fonts don't allow for special characters (including hypens and periods). Add other dynamic signage fonts as additional options, make sure they are scaled properly by default to fit the message board height. Adjusting the scale of a placed Metahuman asset doesn't resize the pedestrian Stop bar functions strangely for dynamic train; behavior is dependent on number of train cars. Train stops far back from stop bar, and may not appear at all, or stop at all, if number of train cars is long enough. Add width scaling option for Train so it can be slightly adjusted to fit track/section widths as needed. Change order of Dynamic Bus inputs to following (new things bolded): Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Add Passengers Articulated Bus Passenger Fill Exterior Color Roof Color Custom Sign Image (Import) Sign Scale Sign Rotation Front Sign Offset X Front Sign Offset Y Rear Sign Toggle On/Off Rear Sign Offset X Rear Sign Offset Y Change order of Dynamic Train inputs to: Template Name Destination Sign Text Destination Sign Font Power Car Length Add Power Car End Electric Equipment Number of Passenger Cars Add Passengers Passenger Fill Base Side Color Primary Lines Color Secondary Lines Color Top/Bottom Color Custom Decal Image Decal Scale Decal Rotation Decal X-Offset Decal Y-Offset "