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Raise/Lower Bridge Section heights (without the extended underground soil layer for heights > 0.00)
Delete linked striping when deleting the section to which it's linked
Placed Asset + Custom Label Gizmo Scale Arrows - add small up/down arrow alongside the gizmo that proportionately scales the asset or label when clicking and dragging the arrow
Save Section Length setting per phase:
Additional Repeating Section Assets - if Primary & Seconday section assets are populated, show drop down for a third section asset, then (if third is also populated), a fourth. Probably only need a max of 4 or 5. Consider renaming so we don't get into "tertiary" or "quarternary"?
Replace Section Feature - add right-click function to replace selected section. Dropdown list would appear with list of all sections. After selecting, a pop up would ask "Keep width?". If yes, the section is replaced with the new one with the same width. If no the section is replaced by the new section with it's default width.
Custom/Preset Retaining Wall - add ability to change textures
Water Plane - add ability to change color
Stop/Pause Wind Effects (i.e. swaying trees)
Add Font Size input for Auto Section Labels
Add ALL CAPS shortcut/font for auto labels
Add "All On/All Off" button for Photo Compositing layers
Camera position presets (3D front low, 3D front high, 3D Angled Left, 3D Angled Right 2D front, 2D Top, etc)
changed description " Delete linked striping when deleting the section to which it's linked Placed Asset + Custom Label Gizmo Scale Arrows - add small up/down arrow alongside the gizmo that proportionately scales the asset or label when clicking and dragging the arrow Save Section Length setting per phase: Duplicate Phase maintains custom section length New Blank Phase starts at 100' default Consider how this might function in Layout Mode - particularly with horizontal layout and multiple phases/lengths Copy & Paste Full Section - supplements Duplicate command. Ctrl+C would copy the full section, including all settings (auto labeling, traffic, underground pipes, earth layers) and any assets and custom labels placed on that section. Ctrl+V would begin a section placement function where the user can pick a spot in the model to place it (similar to blue highlight mode when adding or moving a section). Ideally clipboard could hold these for use in other phases and even other save files. Additional Repeating Section Assets - if Primary & Seconday section assets are populated, show drop down for a third section asset, then (if third is also populated), a fourth. Probably only need a max of 4 or 5. Consider renaming so we don't get into "tertiary" or "quarternary"? Replace Section Feature - add right-click function to replace selected section. Dropdown list would appear with list of all sections. After selecting, a pop up would ask "Keep width?". If yes, the section is replaced with the new one with the same width. If no the section is replaced by the new section with it's default width. Custom/Preset Retaining Wall - add ability to change textures Water Plane - add ability to change color Stop/Pause Wind Effects (i.e. swaying trees) Library Asset Retexturing "
changed description " Delete linked striping when deleting the section to which it's linked Placed Asset + Custom Label Gizmo Scale Arrows - add small up/down arrow alongside the gizmo that proportionately scales the asset or label when clicking and dragging the arrow Save Section Length setting per phase: Duplicate Phase maintains custom section length New Blank Phase starts at 100' default Consider how this might function in Layout Mode - particularly with horizontal layout and multiple phases/lengths Copy & Paste Full Section - supplements Duplicate command. Ctrl+C would copy the full section, including all settings (auto labeling, traffic, underground pipes, earth layers) and any assets and custom labels placed on that section. Ctrl+V would begin a section placement function where the user can pick a spot in the model to place it (similar to blue highlight mode when adding or moving a section). Ideally clipboard could hold these for use in other phases and even other save files. Additional Repeating Section Assets - if Primary & Seconday section assets are populated, show drop down for a third section asset, then (if third is also populated), a fourth. Probably only need a max of 4 or 5. Consider renaming so we don't get into "tertiary" or "quarternary"? Replace Section Feature - add right-click function to replace selected section. Dropdown list would appear with list of all sections. After selecting, a pop up would ask "Keep width?". If yes, the section is replaced with the new one with the same width. If no the section is replaced by the new section with it's default width. Custom/Preset Retaining Wall - add ability to change textures Water Plane - add ability to change color Stop/Pause Wind Effects (i.e. swaying trees) Library Asset Retexturing ~~~~ "
changed description " Delete linked striping when deleting the section to which it's linked Placed Asset + Custom Label Gizmo Scale Arrows - add small up/down arrow alongside the gizmo that proportionately scales the asset or label when clicking and dragging the arrow Save Section Length setting per phase: Duplicate Phase maintains custom section length New Blank Phase starts at 100' default Consider how this might function in Layout Mode - particularly with horizontal layout and multiple phases/lengths Copy & Paste Full Section - supplements Duplicate command. Ctrl+C would copy the full section, including all settings (auto labeling, traffic, underground pipes, earth layers) and any assets and custom labels placed on that section. Ctrl+V would begin a section placement function where the user can pick a spot in the model to place it (similar to blue highlight mode when adding or moving a section). Ideally clipboard could hold these for use in other phases and even other save files. Copy & Paste Placed Assets & Custom Labels -utilize clipboard to copy all properties of the selected asset/label on a section and allows user to paste that asset/label on another section at same XYZ location Duplicate Placed Assets & Custom Labels - attached asset/label to cursor to be placed on a separate section at a specific location. Additional Repeating Section Assets - if Primary & Seconday section assets are populated, show drop down for a third section asset, then (if third is also populated), a fourth. Probably only need a max of 4 or 5. Consider renaming so we don't get into "tertiary" or "quarternary"? Replace Section Feature - add right-click function to replace selected section. Dropdown list would appear with list of all sections. After selecting, a pop up would ask "Keep width?". If yes, the section is replaced with the new one with the same width. If no the section is replaced by the new section with it's default width. Custom/Preset Retaining Wall - add ability to change textures Water Plane - add ability to change color Stop/Pause Wind Effects (i.e. swaying trees) Library Asset Retexturing New Dynamic Assets for walking pedestrians, driving vehicles, riding bikes - use similar animation system as construction vehicles. "
changed description " Toggles for "Shadow Only" or "No Shadow" for placed assets. Delete linked striping when deleting the section to which it's linked Placed Asset + Custom Label Gizmo Scale Arrows - add small up/down arrow alongside the gizmo that proportionately scales the asset or label when clicking and dragging the arrow Save Section Length setting per phase: Duplicate Phase maintains custom section length New Blank Phase starts at 100' default Consider how this might function in Layout Mode - particularly with horizontal layout and multiple phases/lengths Copy & Paste Full Section - supplements Duplicate command. Ctrl+C would copy the full section, including all settings (auto labeling, traffic, underground pipes, earth layers) and any assets and custom labels placed on that section. Ctrl+V would begin a section placement function where the user can pick a spot in the model to place it (similar to blue highlight mode when adding or moving a section). Ideally clipboard could hold these for use in other phases and even other save files. Copy & Paste Placed Assets & Custom Labels -utilize clipboard to copy all properties of the selected asset/label on a section and allows user to paste that asset/label on another section at same XYZ location Duplicate Placed Assets & Custom Labels - attached asset/label to cursor to be placed on a separate section at a specific location. Additional Repeating Section Assets - if Primary & Seconday section assets are populated, show drop down for a third section asset, then (if third is also populated), a fourth. Probably only need a max of 4 or 5. Consider renaming so we don't get into "tertiary" or "quarternary"? Replace Section Feature - add right-click function to replace selected section. Dropdown list would appear with list of all sections. After selecting, a pop up would ask "Keep width?". If yes, the section is replaced with the new one with the same width. If no the section is replaced by the new section with it's default width. Custom/Preset Retaining Wall - add ability to change textures Water Plane - add ability to change color Stop/Pause Wind Effects (i.e. swaying trees) Library Asset Retexturing New Dynamic Assets for walking pedestrians, driving vehicles, riding bikes - use similar animation system as construction vehicles. "
changed description "
TogglesDelete linked striping when deleting the section to which it's linked Placed Asset + Custom Label Gizmo Scale Arrows - add small up/down arrow alongside the gizmo that proportionately scales the asset or label when clicking and dragging the arrow Save Section Length setting per phase: Duplicate Phase maintains custom section length New Blank Phase starts at 100' default Consider how this might function in Layout Mode - particularly with horizontal layout and multiple phases/lengths Additional Repeating Section Assets - if Primary & Seconday section assets are populated, show drop down for"ShadowOnly"or"NoShadow"forplacedassets.Deletelinkedstripingwhendeletingthesectiontowhichit'slinkedPlacedAsset+CustomLabelGizmoScaleArrows-addsmallup/downarrowalongsidethegizmothatproportionatelyscalestheassetorlabelwhenclickinganddraggingthearrowSaveSectionLengthsettingperphase:DuplicatePhasemaintainscustomsectionlengthNewBlankPhasestartsat100'defaultConsiderhowthismightfunctioninLayoutMode-particularlywithhorizontallayoutandmultiplephases/lengthsCopy&PasteFullSection-supplementsDuplicatecommand.Ctrl+Ca third section asset, then (if third is also populated), a fourth. Probably only need a max of 4 or 5. Consider renaming so we don't get into "tertiary" or "quarternary"? Replace Section Feature - add right-click function to replace selected section. Dropdown list wouldcopythefullsection,includingappear with list of allsettings(autolabeling,traffic,undergroundpipes,earthlayers)andanyassetsandcustomlabelsplacedonthatsection.Ctrl+Vwouldbeginasectionplacementfunctionwheretheusercanpickaspotinthemodeltoplaceit(similartobluehighlightmodewhenaddingormovingasection).Ideallyclipboardcouldholdtheseforuseinotherphasesandevenothersavefiles.Copy&PastePlacedAssets&CustomLabels-utilizeclipboardtocopyallpropertiesoftheselectedasset/labelonasectionandallowsusertopastethatasset/labelonanothersectionatsections. After selecting, a pop up would ask "Keep width?". If yes, the section is replaced with the new one with the sameXYZlocationDuplicatePlacedAssets&CustomLabels-attachedasset/labeltocursortobeplacedonaseparatesectionataspecificlocation.AdditionalRepeatingSectionAssets-ifPrimary&Secondaysectionassetsarepopulated,showdropdownforathirdsectionasset,then(ifthirdisalsopopulated),afourth.Probablyonlyneedamaxof4or5.Considerrenamingsowedon'tgetinto"tertiary"or"quarternary"?ReplaceSectionFeature-addright-clickfunctiontoreplaceselectedsection.Dropdownlistwouldappearwithlistofallsections.Afterselecting,apopupwouldask"Keepwidth?".Ifyes,thesectionisreplacedwiththenewonewiththesamewidth. If no the section is replaced by the new section with it's default width. Custom/Preset Retaining Wall - add ability to change textures Water Plane - add ability to change color Stop/Pause Wind Effects (i.e. swaying trees)LibraryAssetRetexturingNewDynamicAssetsforwalkingpedestrians,drivingvehicles,ridingbikes-usesimilaranimationsystemasconstructionvehicles."changed description " Delete linked striping when deleting the section to which it's linked Placed Asset + Custom Label Gizmo Scale Arrows - add small up/down arrow alongside the gizmo that proportionately scales the asset or label when clicking and dragging the arrow Save Section Length setting per phase: Duplicate Phase maintains custom section length New Blank Phase starts at 100' default Consider how this might function in Layout Mode - particularly with horizontal layout and multiple phases/lengths Additional Repeating Section Assets - if Primary & Seconday section assets are populated, show drop down for a third section asset, then (if third is also populated), a fourth. Probably only need a max of 4 or 5. Consider renaming so we don't get into "tertiary" or "quarternary"? Replace Section Feature - add right-click function to replace selected section. Dropdown list would appear with list of all sections. After selecting, a pop up would ask "Keep width?". If yes, the section is replaced with the new one with the same width. If no the section is replaced by the new section with it's default width. Custom/Preset Retaining Wall - add ability to change textures Water Plane - add ability to change color Stop/Pause Wind Effects (i.e. swaying trees) ~~~~ "
changed description " Delete linked striping when deleting the section to which it's linked Placed Asset + Custom Label Gizmo Scale Arrows - add small up/down arrow alongside the gizmo that proportionately scales the asset or label when clicking and dragging the arrow Save Section Length setting per phase: Duplicate Phase maintains custom section length New Blank Phase starts at 100' default Consider how this might function in Layout Mode - particularly with horizontal layout and multiple phases/lengths Additional Repeating Section Assets - if Primary & Seconday section assets are populated, show drop down for a third section asset, then (if third is also populated), a fourth. Probably only need a max of 4 or 5. Consider renaming so we don't get into "tertiary" or "quarternary"? Replace Section Feature - add right-click function to replace selected section. Dropdown list would appear with list of all sections. After selecting, a pop up would ask "Keep width?". If yes, the section is replaced with the new one with the same width. If no the section is replaced by the new section with it's default width. Custom/Preset Retaining Wall - add ability to change textures Water Plane - add ability to change color Stop/Pause Wind Effects (i.e. swaying trees) Add Font Size input for Auto Section Labels Add ALL CAPS shortcut/font for auto labels ~~~~ "
changed description " Raise/Lower Bridge Section heights (without the extended underground soil layer for heights > 0.00) Delete linked striping when deleting the section to which it's linked Placed Asset + Custom Label Gizmo Scale Arrows - add small up/down arrow alongside the gizmo that proportionately scales the asset or label when clicking and dragging the arrow Save Section Length setting per phase: Duplicate Phase maintains custom section length New Blank Phase starts at 100' default Consider how this might function in Layout Mode - particularly with horizontal layout and multiple phases/lengths Additional Repeating Section Assets - if Primary & Seconday section assets are populated, show drop down for a third section asset, then (if third is also populated), a fourth. Probably only need a max of 4 or 5. Consider renaming so we don't get into "tertiary" or "quarternary"? Replace Section Feature - add right-click function to replace selected section. Dropdown list would appear with list of all sections. After selecting, a pop up would ask "Keep width?". If yes, the section is replaced with the new one with the same width. If no the section is replaced by the new section with it's default width. Custom/Preset Retaining Wall - add ability to change textures Water Plane - add ability to change color Stop/Pause Wind Effects (i.e. swaying trees) Add Font Size input for Auto Section Labels Add ALL CAPS shortcut/font for auto labels Add "All On/All Off" button for Photo Compositing layers "
changed description " Raise/Lower Bridge Section heights (without the extended underground soil layer for heights > 0.00) Delete linked striping when deleting the section to which it's linked Placed Asset + Custom Label Gizmo Scale Arrows - add small up/down arrow alongside the gizmo that proportionately scales the asset or label when clicking and dragging the arrow Save Section Length setting per phase: Duplicate Phase maintains custom section length New Blank Phase starts at 100' default Consider how this might function in Layout Mode - particularly with horizontal layout and multiple phases/lengths Additional Repeating Section Assets - if Primary & Seconday section assets are populated, show drop down for a third section asset, then (if third is also populated), a fourth. Probably only need a max of 4 or 5. Consider renaming so we don't get into "tertiary" or "quarternary"? Replace Section Feature - add right-click function to replace selected section. Dropdown list would appear with list of all sections. After selecting, a pop up would ask "Keep width?". If yes, the section is replaced with the new one with the same width. If no the section is replaced by the new section with it's default width. Custom/Preset Retaining Wall - add ability to change textures Water Plane - add ability to change color Stop/Pause Wind Effects (i.e. swaying trees) Add Font Size input for Auto Section Labels Add ALL CAPS shortcut/font for auto labels Add "All On/All Off" button for Photo Compositing layers ~~~~ "