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together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
changed description " Add ability to select multiple adjacent sections in hierarchy and wrap all with folder at once. Add function to duplicate folder, which would duplicate all sections/striping within the folder. Add function to flip folder, which would rearrange/mirror the section order in addition to flipping individual section traffic/elements/etc ~~~~ "
changed title "Section Hierarchy + Multi Section Features "description " Add
abilityfunction to Shift+click to select all sections between selected section and next clicked section Consider this for selections in model view as well? If multiple adjacent sectionsinhierarchyandwrapallare selected, right-click "Wrap with Folder' action should put all selected sections in a folder Add function to duplicate folder, which would duplicate all sections/striping within the folder. Add function to mirror folder, which would rearrange the section order (Sections A-B-C-D rearranges to D-C-B-A). If possible, also flip the moving traffic and mirror asset positions (a fence on the left edge of Section A is mirrored to the right edge of the mirrored section). Add more multi-section edits like widths, primary/secondary assets, traffic, auto-labeling, underground top-level texture, area highlights/pathway arrows. Hide/deactivate options that are void if varied section types are selected (i.e. traffic settings if a lane and gutter sections are selected atonce.Addfunctiontoduplicatefolder,whichwouldduplicateallsections/stripingwithinthefolder.Addfunctiontoflipfolder,whichwouldrearrange/mirrorthesectionorderinadditiontoflippingindividualsectiontraffic/elements/etcAddFolderLabelsame time). When multiple adjacent sections are selected, add feature tocreateactivate/add a multi-lane label that spans the selected sections - could be tied in with a selected folder in the hierarchy. As anautomaticlabelthatspansalltheadjacentsectionscontainedwithinafolder/groupofsections~~~~ "changed description " Add function to Shift+click to select all sections between selected section and next clicked section Consider this for selections in model view as well? If multiple adjacent sections are selected, right-click "Wrap with Folder' action should put all selected sections in a folder Add function to duplicate folder, which would duplicate all sections/striping within the folder. Add function to mirror folder, which would rearrange the section order (Sections A-B-C-D rearranges to D-C-B-A). If possible, also flip the moving traffic and mirror asset positions (a fence on the left edge of Section A is mirrored to the right edge of the mirrored section). Add more multi-section edits like widths, primary/secondary assets, traffic, auto-labeling, underground top-level texture, area highlights/pathway arrows. Hide/deactivate options that are void if varied section types are selected (i.e. traffic settings if a lane and gutter sections are selected at the same time). Allow multi-section edits for the moving traffic library. Okay for UI to show the existing traffic settings of the first selected section. When multiple adjacent sections are selected, add feature to activate/add a multi-lane label that spans the selected sections - could be tied in with a selected folder in the hierarchy. As an example, this would let users add a "Curb-to-Curb" dimension on top of 5 individually-labeled lanes. Default height should be higher than the default auto-section label heights. "
changed description " Add function to Shift+click to select all sections between selected section and next clicked section Consider this for selections in model view as well? If multiple adjacent sections are selected, right-click "Wrap with Folder' action should put all selected sections in a folder Add function to duplicate folder, which would duplicate all sections/striping within the folder. Add function to mirror folder, which would rearrange the section order (Sections A-B-C-D rearranges to D-C-B-A). If possible, also flip the moving traffic and mirror asset positions (a fence on the left edge of Section A is mirrored to the right edge of the mirrored section). Add more multi-section edits like widths, primary/secondary assets, traffic, auto-labeling, underground top-level texture, area highlights/pathway arrows. Hide/deactivate options that are void if varied section types are selected (i.e. traffic settings if a lane and gutter sections are selected at the same time). Allow multi-section edits for the moving traffic library. Okay for UI to show the existing traffic settings of the first selected section. When multiple adjacent sections are selected, add feature to activate/add a multi-lane label that spans the selected sections - could be tied in with a selected folder in the hierarchy. As an example, this would let users add a "Curb-to-Curb" dimension on top of 5 individually-labeled lanes. Default height should be higher than the default auto-section label heights. **"
changed description " Add function to Shift+click to select all sections between selected section and next clicked section Consider this for selections in model view as well? If multiple adjacent sections are selected, right-click "Wrap with Folder' action should put all selected sections in a folder Add function to duplicate folder, which would duplicate all sections/striping within the folder. Add function to mirror folder, which would rearrange the section order (Sections A-B-C-D rearranges to D-C-B-A). If possible, also flip the moving traffic and mirror asset positions (a fence on the left edge of Section A is mirrored to the right edge of the mirrored section). Add more multi-section edits like widths, primary/secondary assets, traffic, auto-labeling, underground top-level texture, area highlights/pathway arrows. Hide/deactivate options that are void if varied section types are selected (i.e. traffic settings if a lane and gutter sections are selected at the same time). Allow multi-section edits for the moving traffic library. Okay for UI to show the existing traffic settings of the first selected section. When multiple adjacent sections are selected, add feature to activate/add a multi-lane label that spans the selected sections - could be tied in with a selected folder in the hierarchy. As an example, this would let users add a "Curb-to-Curb" dimension on top of 5 individually-labeled lanes. Default height should be higher than the default auto-section label heights. **"
changed category from "Improvement" to "Completed"